DIY Linen Balls Craft

DIY Linen Balls Craft
Create beautiful and personalized linen balls easily with children! This craft is perfect for Easter decorations or any festive preparations. Preparation Time: 30 min
Serving Size: 5-10 balls
- Linen fabric or any other fabric - Paper mache balls or styrofoam balls
- Scissors
- Glue (e.g., wood glue)
- String or yarn
1. Cut strips from the linen fabric or any fabric of your choice. The width and length of the strips can vary based on your desired outcome. 2. Take a paper mache ball or styrofoam ball and begin attaching the fabric around the ball. Apply glue to the surface of the ball.
3. Wrap the fabric strips tightly around the ball. Continue until the entire surface is covered.
4. Trim any excess fabric and ensure that it is secured tightly in place.
5. You may tie string around the ball for decoration or leave it as is.
6. Allow the balls to dry completely before use.
Nutritional Information:
Not applicable as this recipe is for crafting and not food.
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