Lumoava Lempi Tunic Dress

Lumoava Lempi Tunic Dress

Lumoava Lempi Tunic Dress

A beautiful and comfortable tunic dress that's a perfect addition to your wardrobe! This pattern is designed to inspire style and creativity.
Preparation Time: 1 hour
Serving Size: 1 dress


- 1.5 m of beautifully draping fabric
- 0.5 m of elastic band
- 1 set of patterns (tunic style)
- 1 button or other embellishments
- Sewing thread
- Sewing machine


1. Cut the fabric according to the patterns.
2. Sew the side seams of the tunic together.
3. Attach the elastic band to the top to ensure the dress stays in place.
4. Add buttons or embellishments as desired.
5. Finish the hem and sleeves.
6. Lightly dampen the finished dress and allow it to dry.
Nutritional Information: Not applicable as this is a clothing pattern.

Reviews: 3.16 (1516 reviews)